Friday, August 19, 2011

Take Me Back to the Days When my Dreams are Worth Chasing

I had a dream that I was on my way to board a train then someone asked me where I am going. I answered, "Back to the days when all my dreams are worth chasing."

And then I woke up, still having that line from my alter-universe self stuck in my head. After a what-the-heck moment (thinking how in the world will the LRT possibly do time travel), I wondered what it means. Was it a God-given movie tagline? A random set of words arranged by my subconscious to form a phrase? Or an implication of something I have been longing for but do not really admit?

Earlier I read a tweet from my friend Rhea saying that she needs inspiration for her to continue writing. I replied, telling her that I'll be reading until the last chapter of her ongoing novel and will be one of the firsts to get a copy once it is published. I did not say this only to make her feel good--I am serious (check out her page and see for yourself how good she is at playing with words!) She replied, and I quote:

Awww.. Now you made me cry. For real. I'll dedicate the book to you. I promise. =') If it never gets published, I'll give you an electronic copy with a letter. =') Hehe. You'll see a page that's solely for you soon. Thanks for all the encouragements. I feel so blessed with you around. =)
Those last two sentences warmed my heart. I just encouraged someone. And someone feels blessed with me around. God, thank you for using me a lot to encourage people lately. I realized it feels good to be encouraged, but even better when you're the one who pursued someone into taking one more step towards what he or she wants.

Take me back to the days when all my dreams are worth chasing...

Like Rhea, I wanted to be a writer. I just don't know how to start. It's just that things do not always go as planned, or so I think, that eventually led me into a recruitment job instead. After that dream, I contemplated: When do dreams become unworthy of chasing?

They don't. That's what I have realized today from my friend Rhea and my alter-universe self. My friend, who I encouraged, reminded me of a forgotten dream as well. We stop pursuing dreams when we lose confidence in ourselves, but they will always be worthy of the effort to get there. And if I want to be in those days when all my dreams are worth chasing, I don't have anywhere to go but right where I am right now.

The dreams I have are for me. I just stopped chasing them because I thought they are not worthy. They are.

And I am worthy of these dreams too.


keren grace said...

Can i just SCREAM here?? i just love conversations about dreams. :) and yes, i believe your dreams are worth chasing. you know when they aren't? it's when they're selfish dreams--aimed for just for your own happiness.

dream the dreams of God; every best thing else will simply follow. :D

Karen Christine said...

Hi Keren, of course you can! :) i also love conversations about dreams; every kind. and i agree with you! selfish dreams are not worth chasing at all.

there may be obstacles that we may encounter along the way, but if these dreams are in God's plan, everything will eventually lead you there. :)