Saturday, December 11, 2010

Truth is, I don't want you to go.

Those words, for me, were the most painful. It showed me how high my hopes are. And how much I wanted it to happen. The words I said were the words I truly regret. If only I could take those words back, I would.

I didn't realize what I have done until the tears came. And then I realized I just made the biggest mistake.

If I fooled you into thinking that I am strong, that I am happy, and I only see you as a friend, I am sorry. Truth is, you are everything that I ever wanted.

Please forgive me for lying. Just tell me that you won't go and I promise that it would be my last lie to you.

If I took you for granted,
I apologize for acting tough
You're my reason for living
and there's no way I'm giving up...
Maroon 5 - Back at your Door

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bonding experiences: What happened during random times of those days

Halfway done with my practicum folder (oh yeah), This is how I ended my (nostalgic) weekly log:

What made my internship the best summer ever is because of the people I spent it with during this relatively short span of time. They were not just co-interns that I met in the internship program that I forget after it's over, they were—are—friends that I have bonded with during idle times of the day, and continue to be my Facebook buddies.

Sometimes we would just sit in the department’s library and bash each other’s universities without being offensive (at times, yeah),

Not to mention browsing shoe magazines with sexy models
talk about any topic we could find, listen to our favorite songs, take pictures, 

It was campaign season, so...
comment on application forms and essays,

Hello, None =))
and draw doodles on used test papers.

"Left-handed people are good artists." You decide.
Sometimes we would be energetic and crazy enough as to push each other’s seats around the office,

(...or use the self-timer for crazy photos,)
play with random stuff found in the drawers, and wave hello at the surveillance cameras. :)

Swivel chair wheels and pen toppers. Cool.
Sometimes we would get serious enough to talk about Sikolohiyang Pilipino and the need for every social sciences scholar to have knowledge of it. 

(no photo available for this, we got carried away.)

Working with them has always been fun and intellectually stimulating, be it thinking about a rebuttal or the joke’s punch line. Along with the people in the department that patiently worked with us (especially Ms Julie, Ms Cristy, and Ms Cheng), Jen, Kim, Tammie, Xy, Kimmi, Claire, Francis, and Kevin made this whole rollercoaster ride called “practicum” the best I could ever have.

Seriously, I posted this because I miss you, guys. :)