Saturday, February 5, 2011

"If there's a chance that I can get closer to the waters, I might as well just have the guts and take the dive. If I drown and got tossed back to the shore, I'll be coughing and gasping for breath, and then I'll be okay. At least I knew how deep it is, which is better than to forever wonder how fun and exciting it could be to take the plunge and feel the coolness of the water against my sun-burnt skin." 
--Me to Myself (when I know I am supposed to take a risk)

Because sometimes you have to quote your instincts. They are never wrong.

However, distinguishing instinct from sheer stupidity is another matter that I am still learning until now. I just hope that now is not the time for the latter. I want to dive into these waters without getting drowned more than anything else.

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