Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wish upon my favorite Star

 "Then I might be something like a moon using the light of a star like you."

"But a moon is not completely useless. No matter how many other stars there are at night. the only thing I see is the moon."

"Hyung-nim, I can only see one special star right now."

"What? You said there were a lot of stars."

"There are, but only one star is twinkling so handsomely. I can only see that star."

"There is a star like that?"

"Yes, it is a star that many people love. Do you think it would be wrong for me to be one of the many people that like that star?"

"Do you really need permission to like something like that? Ask the star. I'm sure you can see it."

"Yes, I am looking at the star. Would it be okay to like it?"

--Mi Nam and Tae Kyung, He's Beautiful (2008)
Yes, I am looking at the star. Would it be okay to like it?

Earlier my officemates (Ron, Cole, and Ella) and I went to Ayala Triangle Gardens to watch the Christmas lights show. Being the starry-eyed, easily-amused-by-all-things-shiny-shimmery-splendid whatever person that I am, I was amazed with this wonderfilled show of lights. For the next 10 minutes I was either saying "aaaah..." or trying to control my jaw from completely dropping.

At times like this I remember one of my life's simple wishes that only Ninin knows (I told her one time when we were walking along the Triangle). And because you, guest, have been interested enough to read this post until this point, I will let you in a secret. This wish involves three things (at least):

1. Ayala Triangle Garden's superb lights. Or any other lights display. Or maybe fireworks. But my bucket list specifically mention the Ayala Triangle lights (We can always bend the rules)

2. Yiruma's "Moonlight", starting 2:05

and, most importantly,
3. You. ♥
My You, the one I have always been referring to.

I won't say it directly. Go figure. ;) 

That's it. I just decided to post this wish so that I'll be able to look back at it in this blog when the time comes that it had already come true. That's why I wish upon my favorite star, hoping that someday I'll be able to touch you with my own hands.

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