Monday, February 18, 2013

I am Glad I Asked That Question

I am glad I asked that question.

Yesterday my church had a Love, Courtship, and Dating seminar. During the time that I was a staunch believer of love a destiny, I don't miss events like this. Yesterday, however was different. I had thoughts of not attending because 1) I'd rather sleep and then watch Pawn Stars and 2) I thought I knew everything I need to know about love. They'd just tell you the usual: don't rush into things, if your heart is broken there's someone better, yadda yadda.

I only attended because my favorite pastor is the speaker (well not really my favorite "Pastor", if you know what I mean haha). It was a fresh revelation to me, and a lot different than those LCD talks I attended before. He presented the realities of love and the responsibilities of life and presented them in a light way. There was a Q&A at the end, and it was also a good thing that I was forced (kinda) by my leader to ask a question.

"What if a Servant of God falls in love with someone who has a different faith?"

I thought I already knew the answer to this one: "don't." And then goes on to quote 2 Corinthians 6:14--"do not be yoked with unbelievers".

But he gave a fresh perspective on this: the reason why St Paul said this was because there are unbelievers even inside the ministry during that time. "Believing" is not about what you tag yourself as--it's about your relationship with God. One may say that he is a "believer" or a "Christian", but does not look and act like it.

Being born-again is not about what church you are attending, it's about accepting The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. That's the basic premise of being a believer. The pastor added, and I quote: "I have Catholic friends, but they are Born-Again Catholics."

What he said lifted a burden off my chest. Thank God for pastors that understand. :-)

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