Friday, October 23, 2009

For my First Love

True faith flowers from and through doubt… ask those questions you’ve always been afraid to ask, and find the answers, and then your faith will become unshakable.
Dear Lord,

            Thank You for answering me. Thank You for always, being there. Thank You for reaffirming Your promises when I doubt. Thank You, for I know, my prayers are already answered.
            Thank You for giving me Your word, that I should trust in You with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). Thank You for Your tender touch and for tracing my tears as they fall.
            Thank You Lord, for this day. Thank You for the revelation You have given me. I am sorry for doubting Your promises even for a second. Thank You for the assurance. Thank You for Your unending love.
            I love You, Lord. Thank You for giving me these feelings to teach me lessons that I may be of use someday. Thank You for being so patient and for being a listener to everything I feel. Thank You for Your promises and Your best plan for me.
            I could go on and on thanking You, Lord. Please accept this life and mold me into what would be pleasing to You. I love You, and I am in awe of You.


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