Yesterday, a package for me arrived. Wrapped in an express delivery envelope, on it was written my name as the recipient and my mom’s as the sender. I knew it. I have received lots of things like this in this time of the year
I opened it. It contains a birthday card and one of the most beautiful things on earth; it was a gold plated pen with my name embedded on it. Whoa. She knew that I won’t use it, so she included two regular gel-ink pens for me to use. My mom always knew how to make me happy.
I then opened the birthday card. I was psyched out when I heard it singing, although my mom always sends me birthday cards like these… I have received singing birthday cards, birthday cards with lights on it, e-cards, interactive cards, cards with butterflies… almost every kind. I read the notes she wrote on the card’s inside and it says:
My dearest Bunso,
Happy 18th birthday
I wish you all the best in life according to God’s promises!
Lots of hugs and kisses,
PS: I wish I could be there!
Birthday cards like these never really make me cry… but this time it did. It’s because of that last part, the last sentence that says she wishes she could be here. I knew that, and I really wish she is here, too. Hell, the last time I celebrated with her was my 11th, and that was seven years ago. I realized I grew up and changed a lot without her witnessing it. I am now of legal age but the last time she celebrated with me was when I was in fifth grade. I long for those days when I don’t receive birthday cards from another country… because the one who sends it is right beside me.
This could be just another birthday celebration. I’ll be 18 in less than a week. You might say that I am just being sentimental, but think: some girls celebrate their 18th birthday with their whole family, extended and immediate in a night flowing with food and drinks. Me, I’ll be celebrating it in a simple way with my family which is not even complete. Not that I want anything extravagant, no, all I want for my birthday is my mom. But I guess that will never be granted… not now, at least.